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Назва: Use of exercises with increased coordination complexity in the training process of young female volleyball players aged 13-14 years
Автори: Boichuk, R.
Lermakov, S.
Nosko, М.
Nosko, Y.
Vaskan, I.
Korop, M.
Kurtova, H.
Grashchenkova, Z.
Носко, Микола Олексійович
Носко, Юлія Миколаївна
Куртова, Галина Юріївна
Ключові слова: female volleyball players
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports
Бібліографічний опис: Boichuk R., Lermakov S., Nosko М., Nosko Y., Vaskan I., Korop M., Kurtova H., Grashchenkova Z. Use of exercises with increased coordination complexity in the training process of young female volleyball players aged 13-14 years. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 2023. 27(4). P.340-352. (WoS)
Короткий огляд (реферат): In the context of training young female volleyball players, understanding the criteria, extent, and impact of exercises with heightened coordination complexity becomes crucial. This study aims to determine the evaluation criteria, scope, and effects of incorporating exercises with elevated coordination demands on the specific athletic readiness of young female volleyball players aged 13–14 years. The study involved female volleyball players aged 13–14 years (n=24) with an average of 4 years of professional experience. Participants were divided into a control group (n=12) and an experimental group (n=12). Prior to the study, both children and their parents were thoroughly informed about the research procedures, and parental consent was obtained for participation. The coordination exercises were categorized into five groups, each assigned a complexity rating from 1 to 5. The assessment utilized a battery of tests.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): erpub.chnpu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9325
Розташовується у зібраннях:Авторські публікації дослідників

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