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Назва: Biociding and anticorrosion properties of second amines with triazolazepine cycle
Автори: Kurmakova, Irina
Курмакова, Ірина Миколаївна
Demchenko, Natalya
Демченко, Наталія Ростиславівна
Tkachenko (Prihodko), Svetlana
Ткаченко (Приходько), Світлана Валентинівна
Demchenko, Anatoliy
Демченко, Анатолій Михайлович
Дата публікації: 2009
Видавництво: International Conference Chemistry of Nitrogen Containing Heterocycles
Бібліографічний опис: Kurmakova I., Demchenko N.,Tkachenko (Prihodko) S., Demchenko A. Biociding and anticorrosion properties of second amines with triazolazepine cycle. International Conference Chemistry of Nitrogen Containing Heterocycles-2009. Kharkov, 2009. V.2.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The compound of І-ІI are show high biociding action of noncompetitive type to of sulphate–reducing bacteria, acting dominant part in the processes of microbial corrosion became. It is set that during concentration of substances I and II to a 2, 0% growth of bacteria is fully oppressed. Introduction to the molecule of the I p-chlorophenacyl fragment results in some decline of biociding action (during concentration a 2, 0% diameter of area of oppressing of growth of bacteria makes 52, 5 mm). That by explanation spatial configuration and quantum-mechanical indexes of molecules (method of MNDO-PM3, CS Chem 3D Pro. Cambridge Soft). Thus for p-toluidine and methyltriazolazepin biociding action not is set. The iron-reducing, denitrifying bacteria and ammonifying bacteria are permanent companions of sulphate-reducing bacteria, is also sensible to substances I–II. A protective effect under the conditions of microbial
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): erpub.chnpu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6294
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